
Watch On Biblify

by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Nov 28, 2021

2 Peter | Practical Teaching on Coming Conditions

Session 8 | 2 Peter 2:12-14

2 Peter 2:12-22 | A Specific Word About Specific False Teachers

  • Verse 12 --

    • Peter had been giving a general word about wicked men in verses 9-11 but now gives a specific (and prophetic) word about the future false teachers of verse 1. This specific word includes verses 12-22.

    • They are described first as natural brute beasts.

      • The word natural is translated from φυσικός [phusikos], thus not supernatural, and giving emphasis to their earthy nature.

      • The word brute is ἄλογος [alogos], without reason“logic" with the “illogical" or to “reason" with the “unreasonable" is unfruitful.

      • Finally, the word beasts is ζῷον [zoon], a living creature, “animalism" over their human characteristics.

      • Taken together, these false teachers will operate like a wild animal. Reason, logic, doctrine, etc., will not be persuasive.

    • These men are made to be taken and destroyed, just as a wild animal.

      • When logic does not prevail, only brute strength is left as a weapon.

    • These false teachers will speak evil of the things that they understand not.

      • “blaspheme that of which they have no knowledge of," using the words βλασφημέω [blasphameo] and ἀγνοέω [agneo].

    • These men will utterly perish in their own corruption.

      • “brute" will degrade anything that hinders their advancement and, in the end, build a house of cards which shall crush them in the end.

      • History abounds with examples:

        • The French Revolution: *“enlightenment" that rejected that which is supernatural, leading to the mass slaughter of all who dared get in their way, and in the end being crushed by the brute strength of Napolean.*

        • Darwinian Evolution: *“the survival of the fittest," which fueled Hitlers anti-God and phyical (Aryan race) Third Reich, which eventually perished in its own corruption.*

  • Verse 13 --

    • The reward of unrighteousness is defined as the short-lived ability to count it pleasure to riot in the day time.

    • The word riot“To enjoy or indulge oneself" (Oxford English Dictionary).

      • “sin for a season." It has its “reward," but it only lasts for the day time. Therefore“eat, drink, and be merry" because their reward is short-lived, like the rich fool of Luke 12:16-21.

    • The teachers are spots...and blemishes as they are sporting themselves with their own deceivings. As in verse 12, history is filled with examples.

  • Verse 14 --

    • The false teachers are staring at their adulteress and are ἀκατάπαυστος [akatapaustos] *“totally paused,"* thus cannot cease from sin.

    • Men like this will be beguiling unstable souls (and thus the reason to develop stability).

    • They are men who exercise their heart toward covetous practices.

    • They are cursed children (i.e.: children of the curse). This is likely a reference to the curse of separation brought upon mankind at the sin of Adam.

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